Is there anything you wish you knew about breastfeeding before you started breastfeeding? Are you shocked about things that happened during your journey and no one told you about it? I completely understand. Who knew newborns fed 8-12 times a day, or that eggs are not the only things that can be cracked? What about a slacker breast or lob sided ones? In this blog post series, I am sharing 5 facts that every nursing or aspiring mom should know.  I am making this a miniseries to make the information digestible. I also created videos on my YouTube channel if you prefer that format. The goal is to inform you about things that may or may not occur. When I look back on my journey, there was a lot I knew but there are definitively things that caught me by surprise. I truly hope you find this helpful.

1. Breastfeeding is natural but doesn’t come naturally

Although breastfeeding is the most natural way to feed your little one, it doesn’t always come easy. The main reasons for this is the unknown. Both parties (you and baby don’t know what you are doing). Therefore, it is primary that you learn as much about breastfeeding as possible. Multiple classes are being offered in community centers, private practices and even through insurance. My advice is to take as many classes as possible prior to baby’s arrival.

2. Breast milk doesn’t come in right away

Contrary to popular belief, breast milk doesn’t come as soon as you give birth. The production of breast milk starts at the 16-weeks mark. Colostrum is the milk you will be feeding your baby initially.  It is packed with proteins and immune properties that are extremely beneficial. Breast milk comes in 3-5 days after delivery. Therefor in the first couple of days the amount of milk your baby needs is minimal.

3. Breastfeeding can be painful

Here me out, there will be slight pain in the beginning, but it shouldn’t last. At first, it’s going to be uncomfortable as you figure out latch and position. The key is to reposition, try new position and relatch. Pain should subside after two weeks. At times there may be slight discomfort at the begin on the latch, but that it. If the pain continues, make sure you seek help from a lactation consultant.

4. Pumping is hard

Breastfeeding is pumping, and I hope you don’t let anyone tell you otherwise. Breastfeeding is hard and takes commitment, so does pumping. Pumping will offer you flexibility to sleep (whatever that is), do chores (don’t do it laundry can wait), or have allow someone else feed your little one.  Pumping will also prepare you when you go back to work, or when your little one starts daycare. Starting a reserve early can alleviate a lot of stress.Starting early instead of playing catch up is best. Please make sure you look up proper breast milk storage and guidelines per the CDC.

5. Latch Issues

The main concern with breastfeeding difficulty is often found in the latch. Improper latch can lead to pain, poor milk transfer, decrease milk production (due to stasis) and more pain. I can’t stress the importance of proper latch as it is one of the foundations of breastfeeding.

I hope this helps you in anyway possible. Take what you want and leave what you don’t. Everybody’s journey is different, so get the help you need from a professional lactation consultant.

The mini-series is a 5 part, please stay tuned for part 2.

I have added Some links that may benefit during your breastfeeding journey. Purchasing through these links is a way to show your support, as I may get a small commission. It is a way to show support. Thank you in advance!

Favorite breastfeeding/ pumping items

1. New Medela Pump in Style with MaxFlow, Electric Breast Pump Closed System, Portable Breastpump-

2.Boppy Bare Naked Nursing Pillow and Positioner, for Breastfeeding and Bottle Feeding-

3.Motherhood Maternity Women’s Maternity Clip Down Nursing Tank Top Cami, Black, Small –

4.Medela Easy Expression Hands Free Pumping Bra, Black, Medium, Comfortable and Adaptable with No-Slip Support for Easy Multitasking-

5.Haakaa Manual Breast Pump 3oz/90ml-

6. New Medela Harmony Manual Breast Pump, Single Hand Breastpump with Flex Breast Shields –

7.Lansinoh Manual Breast Pump, Hand Pump for Breastfeeding-

8. Bamboobies Washable Leak-Proof Nursing Pads for Breastfeeding-

 9.Traditional Medicinals Organic Mother’s Milk Women’s Tea, Promotes Healthy Lactation-

10.Motherlove Nipple Cream (1oz) Organic Lanolin-

Tania Joline