As mentioned in my about me page, I am a new mom to a sweet baby boy that I adore. Erick the 3rd, but we call him Trey! He truly inspired me to do something out of my element. I started a YouTube Channel, a mommy and me blog & I recently became a Lactation consultant. One would think that becoming a new mom would limit my abilities to kickstart something new let alone three!  His birth actually motivated me to do more. To try more. I may sound big and confident now but please know that it took me FOREVER to make the site public. Here are a few reasons why I procrastinated.


The fear of what others will think and or say. The fear of not being good enough or creating content that mattered enough. The fear of failure, or inability to achieve the success I am striving for. I think we all fear some type of judgment‌ by our peers friends and even family. Once you realize that people will have an opinion of you (good or bad), it makes it easier to get over the hump.  Another way to look at things when your are staring fear in the face is to lean on your religious/spiritual guidance. What ever you believe, hold on to it and let go of fear.


I can be a master procrastinator when it comes to certain things. I can put a project on hold until the very last minute. I post-pone or find excuses to delay work like a champ ( sighhhh lol).


Another realization I made while working on my blog was that it will not be perfect nor will it ever be (because I believe you can always do more, tweak more, change more). The good news is as I grow and learn, it can only get better, and I can make modifications along the way.

All and all these factors shouldn’t prevent me from pursuing my goal of blogging, creating a YouTube channel and any other goals I set for myself,  nor should it stop you.  I hope my journey of facing my FEARS, my need to limit PROCRASTNATINATION and aiming for progression instead PERFECTION inspires you to do the same. 

Enjoy this space, as much as I enjoyed creating it. To make sure you don’t miss a post make sure to subscribe to my email list.

Tania Joline‌.

Yayyyyy to my first blog post!!!