Are you ready to travel with your little one? Are you having low key anxiety already? Fear not, I have you covered. Traveling with an infant and or toddler has got to be one of the most anxiety driven experience a mom can face. It really doesn’t have to be! I traveled with Erick when he was 3 months old. We flew from Dc to Montreal, Canada for a wedding. We also went to Florida during the holidays (yikes)!
In all honesty, the panic set in as soon as I booked the flight. What to pack? When to nurse? Aisle or
Find out what are the breast milk policies for security clearance for that airport and airline. I traveled with frozen breast milk and I’ve never had an issue. Before you put your cooler in the bin let the agent know that you have breast milk. If he decides to look in your cooler, ask him to change his gloves! I, unfortunately, had to remind a few of them to do so. Even if the milk is in bags, that is my personal preference.
If you are nursing, I would advise nursing before you leave for the airport, after checking in and on demand while in flight. The most crucial part is the departure and landing. High air pressure can cause pain to your little one’s ears. Nurse, bottle feed or use a pacifier during these times. Of course, maintaining the baby’s feeding routine is optimal but we all know how that goes!
Pack in advance
I like to plan ahead. Although for some projects I thrive in procrastination, packing last minute for a flight is not ideal. I typically start laying out clothes 2 weeks in advance. Once outfits are coordinated, I place each outfit in a ziplock bag. This really makes everything smoother when you are digging in
Pack a diaper bag as a mini carryon
I say this to say that we do not have control over delays, missed flights, lost baggage or blowouts. Stay ready that way you don’t have to get ready. I would suggest adding one layer to what you normally pack in your diaper bag. For instance, if you usually have 2 outfits in your bag add one more. I do the same for socks and hats. Please disregard this tip if you are an over packer lol. As for diapers I tend to pack 10 diapers when traveling. I think that is more than sufficient. Using the 2 diaper per hour of flight is also a good trick.
Pack your breast
The same principals apply for this tip as it does for the previous one. Weather delays or plane delays; if you pack your pump in your carryon you will be able to empty your breast after breastfeeding (if that’s your usual routine). Make sure to bring extra pump parts and your charger. I would also advise a manual pump like the Haaka pump just in case you don’t have access to an outlet.
I don’t know about you guys, but I am always hungry especially since I started nursing. I make sure I always pack a little something. I bring my travel bottle and fill it up after security. I really try to stay on top of this because airport prices are astronomical.
Buy a stroller/car seat bag
We bought both bags on Amazon to protect our car seat and stroller. This was important to us because we splurged on these items. Agents at the airport won’t take the time to care for them so make sure you do! Most airlines will not charge you for baby accessories. We typically check in the Car seat and bring the stroller to the gate. We also use our carrier during the flight. Some airlines will advise you to remove your child from the carrier upon departure and landing.
Don’t be afraid to ask for help
Generally, people are super helpful when they see a mother and a baby, carrying several bags. Often times you
Airport outfits can be cute and all but think about how long it will take you to remove a 3-piece suit. I would also advise dressing your baby in little clothing as possible (weather permitting). Think about the cramped lavatory on the plane; the more clothes your baby has the longer it will take to change a diaper or a blowout.
Pack extra clothes for yourself
Erick once blessed me with urine right before our 3-hour flight. Thank goodness I packed an extra t-shirt in his diaper bag. You know my motto “when you stay ready, you don’t have to get ready”
I know, I know easier said than done. But it’s true. Although anxiety provoking; a crying baby can be expected. For the most part people are understanding. With proper planning and a few trips under your belt, traveling with your little one will become second nature.
I hope this helps!! Please share your thoughts, tips and tricks for traveling with your little one.
Tania J.
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